Category Archives: documentary

‘Enlighten Up’ a review

When I heard that someone was making a Yoga documentary I freaked out. I was so excited to think that maybe someone could show how cool yoga really is. Maybe even get some new interest from people. The movie was never released in theaters here in Oklahoma so I never got to see it till DVD. By that time I had heard a lot of other opinions about the movie. Usually mine isn’t the same as everyone else’s.

The movie was decent. It was a great idea but I think that Katie tried to hard to make a transformation come out of someone that really didn’t give a damn about the spirituality of yoga and the process. It was almost as if she was trying to push him into it. Every famous Yogi that they sat down with said that it cant be forced. Katie even appeared to be mad at him at some points cause he didn’t care.

I think Katie herself is looking for something and was hoping through their journey they could help each other get there.

A different subject would have had a different outcome too though. Maybe if she had gotten a student that had been practicing for about a year and was really curious about it would have had a more spiritual awakening or one at all. There was a few moments where you could tell that he was opening a little but yoga does that and it takes time.

Anyhow if you love yoga like I do then watch the movie. Its good to see major Guru’s like Inyengar and Jois.

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Filed under documentary, india, spirituality, yoga