Category Archives: Namaste Book club

Friends with ‘Me’

OK so I have been reading and its really been getting to me. I have noticed that somehow the right book seems to find me when I need it the most. The Namaste Book club has been great for me for this reason.

I’m reading books that i may have never heard of or never would have picked up to begin with.

I have been having a hard time mediating lately. I have been find things about myself that I either A)didn’t like B)didn’t want to deal with or C) just sucked in general to deal with.

This book has made me realize that I’m not a “bad person” no matter what has happened. That I can love myself and its OK to not be the “best person” all the time.

My past isn’t to fantastic but I’m trying really hard to be the best person that I can be now and in the future. I want to like me for me, not the person that I want to be or that someone else wants me to be. But the person that I AM right now, right here.

Through my yoga practice I have become more aware of these issues and have really started to want to make a change in all things that I do. Love, life, teaching, working, whatever it might be. I want to be a better me doing it.

The things that I hate to do the most are the things that I am making a moving meditation on the Daily.

So I guess I’m working on the now and the me part. I need a book to help me with the us part now too.. lol


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Filed under books, love, meditation, Namaste Book club, yoga